Drawings & Notes Favorite Books about contemporary drawing
When starting researching contemporary drawing for Drawing & Notes in 2008, a couple of books were (and are still) of much use. All these publications were sources of inspiration and good guides to discover the varied world of contemporary drawing. And still are.
Compass in Hand.
Selections From The Judith Rothschild Foundation Contemporary
Drawings Collection
(The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 2009).
This book was published to accompany a major 2009 exhibition in the Museum of Modern Art of the Judith Rothschild Foundation Contemporary Drawings Collection.
Vitamin D 
(Phaidon, 2007)
Probably the most influential and inspiring compendium of contemporary drawing. It shows the work of 109 artists, using a wide variety of styles, from representational to abstract. Along with the descriptions by the curators who picked the artists for the book, it was a very rich well for this weblog.
Drawing Now: Eight Propositions
(Laura Hoptman, Museum of Modern Art, 2002)
Walk the Line: The Art of Drawing
(Ana Ibarra and Marc Valli, 2013)
(Roger Malbert, Thames & Hudson, 2015)
(Dumont, 2010)
This survey examines the state of drawing in Germany through the lens of 19 artists working in the medium, among them Irina Baschlakow, Marc Brandenburg, Monika Brandmeier, Fernando Bryce, Marcel van Eeden, Pia Linz, Theresa Lükenwerk, Nanne Meyer, Christian Pilz, Alexander Roob, Malte Spohr, German Stegmaier, Markus Vater, Jorinde Voigt and Ralf Ziervogel.
Drawing Book: A Survey of Drawing : The Primary Means of Expression
Edited by Tania Kovats (Black Dog Publishing, 2007)
Drawing from The Modern, Volume 2: 1945-1975
(Museum of Modern Art, New York, 2005)
On Line: Drawing Through the Twentieth Century
(The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 2010)
Drawing Futures: Speculations in Contemporary Drawing for Art and Architecture
(Edited by Laura Allen and Luke Caspar Pearson, 2016)

Marcel Dzama:
Sower of Discord (2013) is a beautiful monograph about Marcel Dzama's work. Lavishly illustrated and with a foreword by
Raymond Pettibon, three original short stories inspired by Dzama’s work by Dave Eggers, an essay by the art historian Bradley Bailey, and an interview with Dzama by the filmmaker Spike Jonze. [Even more books
Cy Twombly: Fifty Years of Works on Paper
(Schirmer/Mosel, 2016)
also check Drawings & Notes' list
Books on Contemporary Drawing.