Wieske Wester
Fish #3, 2018
charcoal on paper
210 x 150 cm
Wieske Wester & Jacqueline de Jong: Fish & Chips
8 September - 28 October 2018
Gallery Dürst Britt & Mayhew, Den Haag
links: [Wieske Wester] [Dürst Britt & Mayhew]

Wieske Wester
Fish #4, 2017
charcoal and oil crayon on paper
40 x 60 cm

Wieske Wester
Untitled, 2018
oil crayon, charcoal and indian ink on paper
60 x 40 cm

Wieske Wester
Octopussy, 2016
charcoal, crayon and graphite on paper
210 x 160 cm
links: [Wieske Wester] [Dürst Britt & Mayhew]

Wieske Wester
Fish #4, 2017
charcoal and oil crayon on paper
40 x 60 cm

Wieske Wester
Untitled, 2018
oil crayon, charcoal and indian ink on paper
60 x 40 cm

Wieske Wester
Octopussy, 2016
charcoal, crayon and graphite on paper
210 x 160 cm