Silvia Bächli
Shift, 2019
Drawings & Notes ~ Bookselection
In the new year Drawings & Notes selects new and interesting books about drawing. First selection: Silvia Bächli's catalogue Shift, which accompanied her exhibition at the Kunsthalle Karslrule.
Swiss artist Silvia Bächli (1956) is one of the most renowned draftswomen in the world. In her subtle works and the staging of them, she reflects not only on her medium, but also again and again on how drawings interact in space. In the exhibition shift at the Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, for the first time, she is showing works on paper as well as small sculptures, along with a wall installation developed in cooperation with Eric Hattan. She thus addresses not only drawing as a way of translating perceptions into atmospheres, but also the relationship between head and body, perception and appearance, found object and artistic intervention, single work and group of works, the experience of space and two-dimensionality. The accompanying publication presents these multifaceted interactions.
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